Death Fern

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Death Fern
Death Fern
Type Plants

The Death Fern is a dangerous plant that Players will come across in their Forest travels.


The Death Fern can only be found within the Forest, but is not restricted to a particular biome or region. They will randomly spawn even if all the Ferns in the area are destroyed.


When a Player approaches or steps on the Death Fern, it excretes a poisonous gas that inflicts constant damage as long as they are within it, as well as crippling them. After taking damage from the fern's gas, a player will also continue to take damage every second for some time after.

If a Large Death Fern is activated, it may also spread the small variants around through the ground, setting more plant landmines.


The Death Fern could be interpreted as the opposite of the Life Vine, as they perform opposite actions.


Pre-Alpha Death Fern was added